Supreme Court judge, High Court CJ hail PM Narendra Modi?

By: Aarav Chakraborty Aug, 1 2023

Well, grab your gavels and your gowns because it seems even the judiciary is singing praises for PM Narendra Modi! In a surprising twist, both a Supreme Court judge and the High Court Chief Justice have tipped their scales of justice in favor of Modi's leadership. Now, this isn't your everyday courtroom drama, folks. No objections here, just a hearty round of applause for our Prime Minister. So, if you're keeping score at home, that's PM Modi: 1, Doubters: 0. Justice has indeed spoken!

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Am I wasting my life as a software engineer in the US?

By: Aarav Chakraborty Jul, 28 2023

Well folks, the life of a software engineer in the US is like one big, unpredictable code - full of bugs and breakthrough moments. Wasting life? Maybe, if you're not a fan of late-night coding marathons fueled by pizza and energy drinks! But hey, aren't we all a bit of a coding junkie in the US, dreaming in JavaScript and waking up to Python? It's all about perspective, folks. If you're passionate about solving problems and creating something new, then it's not a waste, it's a wild, caffeinated adventure!

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When is the Mi Max 3 launching in India?

By: Aarav Chakraborty Jul, 23 2023

As of now, there's no official word on when the Mi Max 3 will be launching in India. The company remains tight-lipped about the release date. We're all eagerly waiting for this highly anticipated smartphone to hit the Indian market. As soon as there's an update, I'll be sure to inform you all. Let's keep our fingers crossed for an announcement soon!

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What is the life span of white rabbit?

By: Aarav Chakraborty Jul, 18 2023

In my exploration of the world of white rabbits, I found that their lifespan can vary. Typically, a well-cared-for white rabbit in captivity can live between 5 to 10 years. However, some can reach an impressive age of 12 or even more. Factors like diet, exercise, and healthcare significantly influence these fluffy creatures' lifespans. It's a commitment, but with the right care, these adorable companions can be part of your family for a good long while.

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What are the pros and cons of moving back to India for college?

By: Aarav Chakraborty May, 11 2023

As a blogger, I've been exploring the pros and cons of moving back to India for college. On the positive side, India offers affordable education, close-knit communities, and exposure to diverse cultures. However, some drawbacks include potential limitations in course options, infrastructure issues, and the possibility of a competitive job market after graduation. Overall, it's essential to consider both the advantages and disadvantages before making this life-changing decision.

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Why do people say India is a shithole?

By: Aarav Chakraborty May, 1 2023

I recently came across a rather harsh statement where people referred to India as a "shithole". After looking into the reasons behind this, I found that it's mainly due to the country's issues with pollution, overcrowding, poverty and lack of proper sanitation in certain areas. However, I believe it's essential to remember that India is also a diverse and vibrant nation with a rich culture and history. It's crucial to not judge an entire country based on a few negative aspects, and instead, focus on the positives and work towards improving the shortcomings. Let's not forget that every nation has its flaws, and it's unfair to single out India in this regard.

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Do Indians living abroad look down upon Indians from India?

By: Aarav Chakraborty Apr, 28 2023

This article examines the views of Indians living abroad about those from India. It suggests that there is a hierarchical system based on social and economic status, with Indians living abroad perceiving themselves as superior to those from India. The article also suggests that different generations of Indians abroad have different views, with older generations tending to look down upon those from India, while younger generations often feel more connected. Finally, the article suggests that the perception of Indians abroad towards those from India is changing and becoming more positive, as Indians abroad become more familiar with the culture and language of their homeland.

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Do Indians living abroad look down upon Indians from India?

By: Aarav Chakraborty Mar, 2 2023

This article discusses the perception of Indians living abroad towards those living in India. It points out that while there is some prejudice in the minds of some of the expatriates, those prejudices often come from a lack of understanding of India's complexity. It also highlights that Indian diaspora often has a pride in their home country, and that there are many successful and talented Indians both at home and abroad. Finally, it argues that Indians abroad should be more supportive and understanding of their countrymen, as mutual respect and understanding is essential for a strong and vibrant society.

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Is Indian food really loved in the West?

By: Aarav Chakraborty Feb, 15 2023

The article discusses the growing popularity of Indian food in the West. It notes that the cuisine's flavors and spices have been embraced by many cultures, and that it has grown in popularity over the past few decades. The article also looks at the factors contributing to the rising popularity of Indian food, such as the expansion of Indian restaurants and the increasing availability of Indian ingredients. It further notes that, while Indian food is widely enjoyed, there is still a great deal of work to be done in terms of education and understanding of the cuisine. Overall, the article concludes that Indian food is increasingly loved in the West.

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PM Modi pays tribute to Bhagat Singh - India News?

By: Aarav Chakraborty Feb, 15 2023

Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to the revolutionary freedom fighter Bhagat Singh on his 112th birth anniversary. Modi praised Singh for his bravery, courage and patriotism and said that he was an inspiration to millions of Indians. Singh was part of a freedom struggle in the early 20th century and was one of the most iconic figures of India's struggle for independence. Modi also said that the sacrifice made by Bhagat Singh and his like-minded companions will remain an inspiration for generations to come. He concluded by saying that the nation will always remember him with pride and honour.

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